Tiered Wedding Cakes Class – Students Experience

Four Tier Cake Decoratin

We held the first Tiered Wedding Cakes Class last week. This class is perhaps the most ambitious of all our cake classes. We teach a number of cake decorating techniques in this class, some of which are:

Using buttercream and chocolate ganache as cake covering, covering a cake in fondant, achieving sharp edges on a cake (a new trend), fixing cake mistakes, making large sugar roses, making a large sugar magnolia, stencilling the side of a cake, using lustre dust to make gold/silver cakes, covering square and round cakes in ganache, making ruffles on a cake, decorating cakes with ribbons etc. etc. etc. As you can see, it is a HUGE list! So we were a bit apprehensive about how students would like this class – could it be that there is too much to do?

Well, it turns out that with a lot of tea (and one coffee), students were more than able to keep up with this very demanding schedule. Not only that, we managed to have a lot of fun along the way!

The objective was for students to finish making three separate wedding cakes with different techniques per cake. All students were able to make super sharp edges on these cake – not the simplest technique ever, but completely achievable with practice.

Here is a student’s cake with the said chocolate ganache sharp edge:

Chocolate Covered Cake

Before we blow our own trumpet a little too much, here is a bit of horn tooting from Facebook:

Fair Cake Social Media Post Suzanne Foard Social Media Post

High praise indeed!

Of course, I did NOT ask everyone to look like they were having fun. I promise. But how can you not have fun when you are creating something so utterly beautiful?

Students Decorating 4 tiered cakes

Here is a closeup of the top tier – again, student’s work:

White Rose on 4 tiered cake

Here are the four tiered wedding cakes that students made in the class – check out those super sharp edges and the fabulous roses!

4 tiered cakes display

Those edges, might I add, are not the easiest to achieve – I am super proud to say that all students left the workshop as experts 🙂

Next comes lustre dust and its application. Under the expert guidance of our very own Natalie, students not only learnt how to cover a square cake in chocolate ganache, but also covered their cakes in delicate shades of gold and silver. Did I mention the gorgeous ruffles, I think not! Here is a student’s cake, getting the finishing touches:

Gold, White, Gold Cake

And here it is, all finished and resplendent!

Gold, Blue, Gold Cake

Here’s another cake, this picture was taken before the cake was completely finished, as you can probably tell!

Gold, Red, Gold Cake

Then came the flowers. Oh! The Flowers! We made delicate sugar cherry blossom, each individually made in sweet shades of pink to adorn extended tier (tall) wedding cakes. Here are some of the flowers that our students made:

Cherry Blossom Neatly Made

A Bunch of Pink Cherry Blossoms

We had super perfectionists in the class:

Students Perfecting their Craft

The stress can be a bit much when working so hard on cakes…

Students in Distress

And here are the finished cakes with cherry blossom:

Finished Cherry Blossom Cakes

Did I mention the handmade magnolia flowers? Each student went home with a large handmade white magnolia flower.

If you would like to read all about the cake decorating techniques we cover in this superb intensive five day class, go to the webpage dedicated to it with timetable, prices and a whole host of other details. Follow:

Tiered Wedding Cakes Class

We look forward to seeing you in class soon!
